Oxo-Biodegradable Mailing Bags
In this category you can get totally clear 'eco' mailing bags and grey 'eco' mailing bags with child safety warning. Both ranges are manufactured in high performance Oxo-Biodegradable* films.
* The term ‘Oxo-biodegradable’ is a hybridisation of two words, oxidation and biodegradable. It clearly defines a two step process initiated by an additive called 'Reverte' to degrade the polythene film and make it available for biodegradability within the environment when a bag has finished its useful life, usually within a set time period depending on the % added. 1% would trigger in around 6-8 months.
The additive is designed specifically to address the issue of plastic waste that gets into the environment and cannot be realistically collected. It has been used in numerous PE and PP applications for many years and now. For more information about 'Reverte' click this link.